Metis Music

Did you know I'm a Metis citizen? (one more reason why my favourite number is 8!)

My Grandma's ancestors moved from the Red River Settlement and her family (Sayers) along with the Bremner's and Taylors settled west of Battleford, calling their town Bresaylor. It's a museum now. 

My Grandma was a teacher in a one room school house and met my Grandpa when she needed to hire musicians for the local dance. My Grandpa, Adrien Cote played the fiddle and his brother Fern played guitar. 

I remember my Grandpa playing fiddle every Christmas when we'd go back to Saskatchewan and my Grandma's favourite song was the Red River Jig.

Although Copperfield students need to start learning their songs for the winter concert very soon, I thought we'd take a few classes and play the spoons, learn a few jig steps and play a little chasez dance.

Here are a few videos that support this learning.


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