June Happenings in the Music Room

It's time for some drumming! Throughout the school year students have learned about the categories of instruments (wind, string and percussion). We are lucky to have a beautiful set of djembe drums. It's important to honour the culture these drums are from (west Africa and specifically Ghana) so here a is video I am showing about how they are made.

Students are playing the djembe drums, learning how to correctly achieve the high and low pitches and handing for several rhythms. The universal break (also known as 'chocolate mild and potato chips') is used to start and stop the drumming. Makaru is the most difficult of the rhythms we are working on as it required specific handing and is a complex rhythm.

Grade 5's are finishing up their band project and preparing for their upcoming Grade 5 Farewell. Grade 4's will sing to them so they are working on a few songs as well.

Grade 2's did a fantastic job of their grade group assembly, based on the Seven Teachings on May 31. I still hear them singing the original songs in the hallways! 

Here is a fun action song many grades have been singing!


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